A quick update with fishing licence info / prices....
For non-residents of Ontario...here's the new licence fees...
Non-Canadian Resident Temporary Fishing Outdoors Card and Application only. Valid for three years. Annual licence tags must be purchased.
One-year Sport Fishing Licence Tag (for holders of a valid Outdoors Card)
One-year Conservation Fishing Licence Tag (for holders of a valid Outdoors Card)
Eight-day Sport Fishing Licence *
Eight-day Conservation Fishing Licence *
If you were to Ontario last year & bought a licence, you should have received your plastic "Outdoors Card" in the mail...IMPORTANT....remember to bring it with you this year...otherwise you'll have to purchase another one. I know it's only $9, but why pay double? You may need that $9 to replace the classic Rapala that a monster pike tore off your line!
I've written about the new boating regulations that took effect in Canada last September before in this blog. As there's still lots of questions I'll address it quickly...
Basically, if you're renting boats from us, we now go through a checklist with you (which you sign off on)....basic operations and safety issues. As many of you know. if you rent boats & motors from us, I usually spend 2 - 3 hours out on the system with you going over hazardous locations, reefs, fishing spots and motor operations...so really, adding a check list to this is no big deal.
If you bring your own boat & motor, you don't have to worry about getting certified unless you are spending 45 days (or something like that) consecutively....so even you guys that come up 4 separate weeks per year you're still fine as is.
Ok - feel better?
Anyway...the last few days here have been unseasonably mild....which is a really nice change.
Our cold weather in December & early January made for some great ice on the lakes....lots are out ice fishing this weekend enjoying the warmer weather.
I guess they've started grooming some of the snowmobile trails....we've got snow, but could use some more...I'm sure we'll get it. Still enough to get around on the sleds though.
Mount Fairweather - Atikokan's downhill ski hill opened last weekend. Conditions are pretty good...more snow wouldn't hurt. Wyatt was out skiing there last weekend.
Lori's been out on Atikokan's world class cross country ski trails and reports that the ones she was on were "very good".
Me? I haven't been out doing much yet....made a few rounds on our snowmachines....getting bugged by Lori to go with her cross country skiing. gotta get some skis, but in the meantime I may tag along with snowshoes....Who knows...maybe I'll get a hole drilled and get some ice fishing in this week?
Hope you're all having a great winter so far!
Talk soon!